Pathway to Prescription

Medicinal Cannabis, as a prescription medication, is available for the treatment of many medical conditions.

The pathway to obtaining a prescription for medicinal cannabis involves the following steps:

  1. Doctor Appointment

    This allows discussion regarding particular medical conditions requiring treatment, information regarding available medicinal cannabis products, discussion regarding dosing, likely effects, potential side effects, risk stratification and information/education regarding these products.

  2. Matching With The Most Appropriate Product

    Some people have extensive experience with THC and CBD, other people have no experience. Discussion with a medicinal cannabis prescribing doctor allows for matching each individual’s requirements with the best product.

  3. Prescription

    The selected medicinal cannabis product is then prescribed, which may be either through the TGA SAS - B pathway or through the TGA Authorised Prescriber pathway.

  4. Dispensing

    The script for medicinal cannabis is then taken to a registered dispensing pharmacy and filled, exactly the same as other prescription medications e.g. antibiotics.

  5. Follow up

    Most good cannabis prescribing doctors follow up with each individual to make sure there are no side effects, and address any questions regarding side effects, dosing or ongoing symptoms.

SAS B Pathway versus Authorised Prescriber Pathway

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) governs access to medicinal cannabis products and permits prescription to doctors through either the SAS - B pathway or the Authorised Prescriber pathway.

SAS - B pathway requires permit application to the TGA for each individual and each individual medicinal cannabis type and category. The TGA separates types of medicinal cannabis via the method of administration. For example Oil for oral administration, Dried Herb for Inhalation etc. The TGA also separates medicinal cannabis types into categories of THC and CBD concentration. For example, Category 1 has CBD concentration > 98%, while Category 5 has THC concentration > 98%. Each SAS - B permit needs to be applied and then approved by the TGA prior to prescription.

SAS-B permits are held by the doctor and are specific for each individual person prescribed these medications, and specific for each Category and type of medicinal cannabis product. SAS-B permits last for approximately 2 years and are usually not approved by the TGA for people who have a history of drug abuse, or who have another SAS - B permit held by a different doctor. SAS-B permits take between 2 days to 2 weeks to be approved. The TGA will occasionally request further information from the applying doctor.

Our authorised Prescriber pathway bypasses the requirement for a SAS - B permit. Authorised prescriber status can be applied for and held by doctors who have significant experience in prescribing medicinal cannabis products. Authorised prescriber status means that a doctor is registered with TGA and is able to prescribe medicinal cannabis products on the spot without a permit application.